Bryan Adams reveals Diana song lyrics sparked 'surreal' friendship

A B-side from the Canadian urged a supposedly fictional Diana to leave her husband and "bring her limousine".
2023-12-10 16:08:11

'The Surreal Life' reboot brings together another wild group of celebrity roommates

Sure, I could load this week's newsletter up with Halloween content, but leave it to me to be a contrarian.
2022-10-29 22:10:45

'It's kind of surreal': Key voting rights case could reshape the political power of communities of color

To Letetia Jackson, voting is as important as drinking water or breathing. She has her mother to thank for nourishing that conviction.
2022-10-05 17:09:59

'The Sandman' finally fulfills the dream of adapting Neil Gaiman's acclaimed comic

After years of failed attempts to bring Neil Gaiman's acclaimed and surreal comic to the screen, Netflix finally creates a home for "The Sandman," armed with enough top-notch British guest stars to populate a Harry Potter movie. The resulting series is visually striking but dramatically listless, made for those -- and maybe only those -- who already possess degrees in Sandman 101.
2022-08-05 18:06:16

Sam Asghari on his 'surreal' marriage to Britney Spears

Sam Asghari has opening up about his marriage to the "amazing" Britney Spears in his first interview since their June wedding.
2022-06-29 18:08:21

'Everything Everywhere All at Once' is the mind-bending metaverse movie you didn't know you needed

Strange, surreal and unexpectedly sentimental, "Everything Everywhere All at Once" is genuinely and wildly original -- the kung fu/science fiction/metaphysical action comedy that you didn't know you needed, but just might love. "Might" does a lot of work there, because while the film will have its well-deserved admirers, the dizzying nature of it won't be for everyone.
2022-04-08 18:08:27

CNN reporter: A poignant moment in the midst of a surreal world

CNN's Ed Lavandera looks at life in Odesa, Ukraine, amid Russia's invasion.
2022-04-02 16:14:54

Ukraine flags fly in Europe and beyond against Putin's 'surreal war'

Post Content
2022-02-24 18:26:21

Winter Olympics: Bruce Mouat and Jen Dodds relishing games start

Starting off the Winter Olympics will be a "surreal" moment, says curler Bruce Mouat as he and playing partner Jen Dodds prepare to compete in the mixed doubles.
2022-02-01 08:16:40

'Surreal' January wildfire shuts California highway

An unseasonal blaze rages in the Monterey County, forcing evacuations and the closure of Highway 1.
2022-01-23 00:14:18

'Surreal and beautiful' - relive Raducanu's Fairytale of New York

Three months on from her US Open triumph, those close to Emma Raducanu recall her 'Fairytale in New York' in a BBC Radio 5 Live documentary to be aired on Thursday.
2021-12-23 11:09:49

Opinion: My father is imprisoned in Nicaragua. His fate could hang on their upcoming presidential election

Last year, like many people across the US, I couldn't imagine feeling more anxious about a presidential election than I did in November 2020. In the weeks leading up to the vote, I followed every twist of an often surreal and harrowing campaign.
2021-11-06 03:06:28

My father is imprisoned in Nicaragua. His fate could hang on their upcoming presidential election

Last year, like many people across the US, I couldn't imagine feeling more anxious about a presidential election than I did in November 2020. In the weeks leading up to the vote, I followed every twist of an often surreal and harrowing campaign.
2021-11-06 03:06:24

The surreal beauty of Earth's northernmost buildings

The Arctic invites images of emptiness. Harsh temperatures lead to barren, sparsely populated landscapes beyond the reach of most travelers. This inaccessibility is what first drew Austrian photographer Gregor Sailer to the region.
2021-10-11 07:05:45

Meet the K-pop stars taking on the art world

At first glance, the three names beside a series of surreal high-contrast paintings, moody black and white photographs and Jackson Pollock-esque splatters might not jump out among over 70 artists appearing at a London art fair next week.
2021-10-08 04:05:47

'It's surreal but I'm ready' - Raducanu set for US Open quarter-final

British teenager Emma Raducanu says her stunning run to the US Open quarter-finals is "surreal", putting her success down to feeling "really, really happy".
2021-09-08 10:06:35

Johnny Depp says Hollywood is boycotting him

According to Johnny Depp, the past five years have been "surreal" for him.
2021-08-16 17:05:40

Johnny Depp says Hollywood is boycotting him

According to Johnny Depp, the past five years have been "surreal" for him.
2021-08-16 16:05:43

CNN reporter takes 'surreal' trip to the Olympics

CNN's Will Ripley shows the Covid-19 tests, lines and paperwork he has to complete in order to travel to Japan for the Tokyo Olympics.
2021-07-09 22:05:40

The long, 'surreal' days of the fugitive Texas legislators

2021-07-16 01:06:11

Europe floods: Merkel shocked by 'surreal' devastation

The chancellor vows to fast-track aid after visiting some of the worst-hit areas in western Germany.
2021-07-18 16:06:15

Surreal Tokyo Games curtain raiser provided a glimpse of what is to come

With no fans in attendance and a reduced number of athletes joining the parade, the Tokyo Olympics' Opening Ceremony officially kicked off the Summer Games on Friday as tennis star Naomi Osaka lit the cauldron.
2021-07-23 19:05:40

In this surreal novel about motherhood, a mom slowly turns into a bloodthirsty dog

When Rachel Yoder set out to write a book about the overwhelming rage, loneliness and love she felt in the early days of motherhood, she wanted to make sense of the identity loss that accompanied her two-year hiatus from work. But she also wanted to have a little fun.
2021-07-28 20:05:42

Kijevi metróállomáson tartott sajtótájékoztatót Zelenszkij

Volodimir Zelenszkij szombat délután egy kijevi metróállomáson tartott sajtótájékoztatót. Az ukrán elnök a BBC tudósítása szerint többek közt arról beszélt, hogy nem fél találkozni Putyinnal, ha erre van szükség a két ország közötti békemegállapodás létrejöttéhez, Antony Blinken amerikai külügyminiszter vasárnap Kijevbe látogat, elégedett a britektől kapott katonai segéllyel, már legalább nyolc halottja van az odesszai rakétatámadásnak, amelyben egy három hónapos csecsemő is életét vesztette. Zelensky press conference takes place in the subway station. The reality becomes even more surreal, ye...
2022-04-24 00:14:07

Így tudták meg az úton lévő pilóták, hogy meghalt a királynő

Az úton lévő kereskedelmi repülőjáratok kapitányait, bárhol is voltak éppen, azonnal értesítették II. Erzsébet brit királynő halálhíréről. Többen fotót készítettek a kijelzőiken álló, történelmi sorokról ? írja az Independent című brit lap. Egy 29 éves elsőtiszt, aki KatiePilot néven működtet csatornákat különböző közösségi platformokon, a Twitteren azt írja, szürreális és szomorú pillanat volt, amikor Franciaország fölött repülve megkapták az üzenetet az ACARS-rendszeren, vagyis a légi közlekedés belső kommunikációs rendszerén keresztül. I received the news of the death of Her Majesty The Que...
2022-09-12 13:07:38


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