At last some cautious optimism after the royal gloom

Buckingham Palace has broken the long silence over the King's health with some positive messages.
2024-04-27 05:06:41

Faisal Islam: What's behind Rishi Sunak's economic optimism?

Could a change in the economic weather keep the prime minister in Downing Street?
2024-03-23 10:08:35

Rég voltak ilyen optimisták a befektetők

A Bank of America legújabb alapkezelői felmérése szerint a professzionális befektetők kockázatvállalási hajlandósága márciusban több mint két éve nem látott szintre emelkedett - írja a CNBC.
2024-03-19 18:07:01

Jön Dua Lipa új albuma

Az optimizmus ihlette a lemezt.
2024-03-14 19:09:32

Jön Dua Lipa új albuma

Az optimizmus ihlette a lemezt.
2024-03-14 19:07:22

Earthshot Prize: Prince William says climate crisis too visible to be ignored

The Prince of Wales strikes a note of optimism as he reveals the winners of his annual Earthshot Prize.
2023-11-07 15:08:08

Few reasons for optimism after Antony Blinken's diplomatic dash

Over three frantic days, Antony Blinken tried to find middle ground where none exists, for now.
2023-11-06 01:06:18

Post Title

How an assassin's bullet cut short the life of a man who 'retained a great optimism' for America's destiny
2023-06-30 23:07:54

Analysis: China resorts to unusual measures to restore confidence among entrepreneurs. But it's not working

After years of regulatory crackdowns and draconian Covid curbs, private entrepreneurs in China are low on enthusiasm. The Chinese government is resorting to surprising measures to restore their confidence, but the campaign has inspired more nervousness than optimism.
2023-04-17 10:06:33

IMF: Banking crisis boosts risks and dims outlook for world economy

At the start of the year, economists and corporate leaders expressed optimism that global economic growth might not slow down as much as they had feared. Positive developments included China's reopening, signs of resilience in Europe and falling energy prices.
2023-04-12 17:07:17

IMF: Banking crisis boosts risks and dims outlook for world economy

At the start of the year, economists and corporate leaders expressed optimism that global economic growth might not slow down as much as they had feared. Positive developments included China's reopening, signs of resilience in Europe and falling energy prices.
2023-04-11 17:06:55

King Charles coronation logo created by iPhone designer

Sir Jony Ive has designed an emblem of "optimism" to be used for the coronation of King Charles.
2023-02-11 12:10:50

Decemberi szinteken az olajár, rekordszintű kereslet jöhet idén

A Nemzetközi Energiaügynökség (IEA) szerdai közlése szerint a szigorú járványügyi korlátozások feloldása Kínában új rekordszintre növeli az idei évben a globális olajkeresletet, miközben az Oroszországra kivetett szankciók tovább csorbíthatják a kínálatot - írja a Reuters.
2023-01-18 14:14:55

Egyre kevésbé bíznak az államban a családok ? állítja egy friss kutatás

Egy friss kutatás szerint egyre magasabb azon családok száma, akik kevésbé bíznak már meg az olyan intézményekben, mint az állam, üzleti élet vagy egyéb kormányzati szervek ? számol be a hírről a Reuters.
2023-01-16 11:13:55

White House cautiously optimistic over economy in 2023: 'Absolutely no sign' job growth will tumble or unemployment will spike

As Wall Street and Main Street fret about a potential recession, White House officials are projecting confidence about the economy's ability to weather the storm in 2023.
2022-12-23 15:11:34

Sen. Chris Murphy doesn't think Democrats have 60 votes for assault weapons ban

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut said Senate Democrats don't have the 60 votes needed to advance an assault weapons ban bill but expressed optimism on CNN's "State of the Union" that something could get done in the next Congress if Democrats keep their seat in Georgia.
2022-11-28 04:12:54

Cautious optimism surrounds Arsenal's resurgence with fans uniting behind Mikel Arteta

It's all looking very positive at Arsenal football club this season.
2022-11-05 20:06:29

President Biden says America will get inflation under control. But it won't be easy

President Joe Biden expressed optimism about the direction of the US economy Sunday, saying America will be able to rein in historically high inflation and that he's hoping the Federal Reserve will achieve a "soft landing" by slowing economic growth without going into recession.
2022-09-19 23:06:05

Revived Iran nuclear deal is 'closer now than it was two weeks ago' but gaps remain, US State Department spokesperson says

The US State Department spokesperson expressed some optimism about the prospects of salvaging the Iran nuclear deal, but stressed that divisions remain between the United States and Iran.
2022-08-23 04:08:08

Optimism on police reform in the Capitol collides with anguish in the streets

As President Joe Biden looks to build momentum for police reform in his address to a joint session of Congress this week, there is some optimism in Washington about the potential for a bipartisan compromise that would finally create movement on the issue. But beyond the beltway, there is also deep frustration and anger in the streets of America as young men and women of color keep getting injured and killed by police.
2021-04-25 19:09:40

The last clean energy boom turned to bust. Will this time be any different?

Investors who back upstart companies are known for their optimism. But when it comes to the wall of money pouring into clean energy, their enthusiasm is tinged with concern.
2021-04-26 11:05:45

Dare we hope? Here?s my cautious case for climate optimism

2021-05-01 15:06:18

100 million fully vaccinated people are helping the US reopen. But many millions more are needed

The United States has fully vaccinated more than 100 million people against Covid-19, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- a milestone that comes with optimism about the future.
2021-05-02 09:06:48

John Kerry: US climate envoy criticised for optimism on clean tech

John Kerry told the BBC technologies that don't yet exist will play a huge role in stabilising the climate.
2021-05-16 16:07:17

New hopes of ceasefire deal as calls to end Israel-Palestinian conflict intensify

Cautious optimism was growing that a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza could soon put a halt to days of bloody conflict, but fresh airstrikes and rocket fire Thursday signaled that the violence wasn't over yet.
2021-05-24 15:05:43

American optimism is highest in more than 10 years

2021-07-12 02:05:41

US Covid cases up as vaccination rates fall

With the more dangerous Delta variant of Covid-19 sweeping across the nation, state and health officials continue to warn the public that the pandemic is far from over despite summertime reopenings and optimism.
2021-07-25 13:05:40

The speed of the US economic recovery has been record-breaking. But don't get used to it

Despite the continued optimism about the country reopening, US economic growth is already starting to slow.
2021-08-04 16:05:52

Paris Hilton, Cher and others react to latest Britney Spears news

The news that Britney Spears's father is willing to step down as the conservator of her estate was met with joy and cautious optimism on social media by the singer's supporters.
2021-08-13 17:05:56

NBA's New York and Bay Area teams prepare for Covid-19 vaccine policies set by home cities

While the return of packed stadiums this year has brought a renewed sense of optimism in the sporting world that the worst of Covid-19 is in the past, certain teams must still adhere to vaccination mandates set by local governments.
2021-09-25 18:05:48

A new era & new optimism - how Flick has restored hope to Germany's national team

As Germany prepare to face North Macedonia, a team they lost to just six months ago, BBC Sport looks at how Hansi Flick has given them new reasons for hope.
2021-10-11 09:08:00

Denmark ditched its Covid rules two months ago. Now it's joined other EU nations in mulling new restrictions

Two months ago, Denmark was riding high. It lifted all remaining domestic coronavirus restrictions as the government declared Covid-19 was no longer "an illness which is a critical threat to society." But the optimism of September has been short-lived.
2021-11-09 16:50:48

Denmark ditched its Covid rules two months ago. Now it's joined other EU nations in mulling new restrictions

Two months ago, Denmark was riding high. It lifted all remaining domestic coronavirus restrictions as the government declared Covid-19 was no longer "an illness which is a critical threat to society." But the optimism of September has been short-lived.
2021-11-09 16:50:50

Sam Ross: Virgil Abloh dissolved 'barriers of entry' with joy and optimism

I first met Virgil Abloh in the summer of 2012. Our relationship began with a series of Instagram interactions and a rapid email follow up from Virgil asking to review the totality of my design portfolio -- all disciplines.
2021-12-05 12:06:06

US response on Ukraine offers little optimism, Russia says

2022-01-27 14:36:23

Fellégezhettek, de mégis kiábrándító a síszezon Ausztriában

A koronavírus omikron variánsának terjedése ellenére Európa síterepei meglehetősen forgalmasak. Míg Ausztriában kiábrándító a szezon, addig Svájcban a látogatók száma meghaladja a járvány előtti szintet, írja a DW. Elhelyezkedése és színvonalas infrastruktúrája miatt sok magyar szívesen választja Ausztriát, de a téli sportok szerelmeseinek érdemes tudnia, hogy február 1-től változik a szomszédos országban a szolgáltatások igénybevétele tekintetében az oltások érvényessége.
2022-02-05 20:33:28

Felrobbant kukta miatt akár meg is vakulhat az olimpiai bajnok bunyós

Nehéz csata előtt áll Guillermo Rigondeaux, akinek most a ringen kívül kell küzdenie azért, hogy ne érjen véget profi bokszpályafutása. Kapcsolódó Elmaradhat Saúl Álvarez címmérkőzése a háború miatt Az orosz kihívó miatt elmaradhat az összecsapás. A 41 éves kubai sztár 2000 és 2005 között két olimpiai (2000, 2004) és két világbajnoki (2001, 2005) címet szerzett az amatőrök között, majd miután elhagyta hazáját és az Egyesült Államokba költözött, 2009-ben a profik közé lépett. Eddigi 24 mérkőzése közül 20-at megnyert, háromszor kikapott, legutóbb február 26-án, a Dubajban rendezett mérkő...
2022-03-07 04:05:53

How the Biden admin is quietly eyeing Saudi Arabia and UAE relations to offset surging oil prices

An intense, closely guarded diplomatic effort by a core team of Biden energy and national security officials to raise global oil production amid surging prices from Russia's war in Ukraine has fostered a cautious sense of optimism inside the White House.
2022-03-11 21:10:19

Gen Z Republicans express optimism ahead of midterms

Karly Matthews is a climate activist. She's also a Republican.
2022-03-20 19:10:18

Anime, ice sculpting and Buffalo wings: NFL teams get creative as 2022 season schedule is released

It's always a time of endless optimism and hope, and this year's NFL schedule release was no different.
2022-05-13 14:07:38

Biden's optimism collides with mounting political challenges

Post Content
2022-06-18 18:13:36

UN: Optimism at new Colombia leader, but concern at killings

Post Content
2022-07-15 03:08:49

First grain ship leaves and what rural Russian's believe - Ukraine round-up

Cautious optimism as the ship sets sail and inside the minds of rural Russians on the Ukraine war.
2022-08-01 22:23:40

Dübörög a mesterséges intelligencia őrület a tőzsdéken - Itt az új történelmi csúcs a Microsoftnál

A Microsoft részvényei kedden új történelmi csúcson zártak, miután egy hétfői San Franciscó-ban tartott rendezvényen a vállalat egyik stratégiai partnere, az OpenAI bejelentette, hogy árcsökkentést terveznek, emelett pedig lehetővé tennék a felhasználóknak a ChatGPT chatbot egyedi verzióinak elkészítését - írja a Cnbc.
2023-11-08 16:08:07

Dua Lipa és a Coldplay az idei Glastonbury fesztivál headlinerei

Bejelentették a 2024-es Glastonbury fesztivál első fellépőit: Dua Lipa és a Coldplay is fellép, a vasárnap délutáni előadó pedig az egyik legsikeresebb country- és popénekesnő, Shania Twain lesz. A leghíresebb brit zenei fesztiválon színpadra áll rajtuk kívül még az amerikai R&B sztár SZA is. A 34 éves énekesnő SOS című, nagy sikerű albuma a múlt hónapban Grammy-díjat nyert, a Kill Bill című kislemeze pedig hónapokig vezette a brit slágerlistákat. Dua Lipa nem sokkal a Radical Optimism című, harmadik lemezének megjelenése után lép fel először a Piramis-színpadon, míg a Coldplay már rekorde...
2024-03-14 15:08:03


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